IN THE FLESH is an exhibition featuring twenty-five artists and focuses on the lives we lived, and the work made during that memorable time. It centres around 40 photographs that come from disposable cameras, that were sent out to 20 “creative” households during lockdown. The images were selected to portray a time of solitude, domesticity, contemplation, and frustration. There is an overarching peacefulness and lack of artifice that comes from photographing on uneditable analogue film.
Filmmakers, Archie Chew and Alicia Easaw-Mamutil, have documented a collection of stories from lockdown, told from Melbourne’s front porches. This intertwined narrative will be screened on a continuous loop, with score by Jorde Heys, during the exhibition.
View Archie & Alicia’s Projected Stories, with score by Jorde Heys here.