'High Wind Over Hasegawa' (2021) at Bathurst Regional Art Gallery


Referencing Tohaku Hasegawa's ‘Pine Trees’ screens circa 1595, and the works of Hiroshige and Hokusai, Damian Gascoigne's dual screen artwork 'High Wind Over Hasegawa' (2021( is now showing in 'Cel: The Artist as Animator' at Bathurst Regional Art Gallery.

Of this work, Damian says, 'The hand drawn ink animation is made for two-screen projection, drifting in and out of sync, exploring Buddhist ideas of non-duality as we take off and find ourselves tethered at the same time. The drawings swirl, hats fly off, a shout goes up- do it anyway, what’s yours is mine, we’re going to be fine somehow. The work marks a period of great uncertainty - and considerable excitement - as I sought the courage to make big change happen, and to step out into a high wind.'

'Cel: The Artist as Animator' is on display until Sunday 3 April 2022.